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 Binh Dinh: EZ, IZ construction encouraged
Binh Dinh province People’s Committee on August 8 promulgated the Decision No.16/2007/QĐ-UBND on some investment incentive policies for the construction of infrastructures in some industrial zones (IZ) and economic zones (EZ) (except for IZ in the Nhon Hoi EZ) in Binh Dinh.


Under the Decision, investors will allowed to rent lands with the lowest price, compared with the price regulated by the Government and Ministry of Finance. 50 percent of the expenditure for the detailed survey, and plan will be sponsored; moreover, the compensation and the construction of the re-settlement and exhumation areas will be supported with 100% of the expenditure. In addition, the investment for sewage works, road, and the provision of electricity, water, and telecommunication will also be aided.

Investment projects for the construction of infrastructures in EZ and IZ in Binh Dinh will have the investment incentives in accordance with the Decision and other regulations promulgated by the Government, Ministries, and Binh Dinh province People’s Committee.

NguyenBay (translated by Hong Quang)  
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